Saturday, October 30, 2010

Learn the Real Advantages of Article Marketing

SEO Expert

Cimborrio - La Seo de Zaragoza by geoorgesf

3 Ways Article Marketing Benefits Your Online Business
Many internet marketers first start promoting products using article marketing. Following are methods that are proven to increase you article marketing results so take a few minutes to read this article carefully.

Your articles can be viewed all day, everyday by viewers in across the globe. The article directories that you will be submitting your content to have the ability to give you access to readers in every country where the internet is available. The exposure that can be gained from article marketing is short of extraordinary and you can use it to your advantage. Your articles must be on a topic that readers are already interested in and a market where they already spend money.

When you spread your articles around the web, they'll circulate on many other websites, giving you traffic for a long time to come. There are so many extra things you can do with your articles besides just submitting them to directories; you can use them as affiliate resources for any products, expand them to a short report, turn them into Youtube videos, and the list goes on. Article marketing can go viral with a little creativity and can bring in results that you never dreamed was possible.
Another benefit of using article marketing is that it helps you build high quality one-way backlinks to your site. These will be quality, relevant backlinks that come from the websites, blogs and directories where you send your articles. There are many complex, expensive and devious ways to build backlinks, but article marketing gives you a free, simple and ethical way to do it. What's more, if your article gets popular and gets picked up by various websites in your niche, the backlinks will only increase. With article marketing you have a completely cost free and above board way to obtain your backlinks. The links you get from articles can be very good for your rankings, as they come from directories with high page rank which are looked upon favorably by the search engines. You can also get these backlinks without having to write many hundreds of articles. You'll start getting quality backlinks from even a small number of relevant articles, and this can give you a helpful boost with your search engine ranking.
Finally, as you consistently create articles in a particular niche, you will start to get recognized as an authority on your topic. This gives you a position of authority, giving your readers another reason to trust your recommendations. You can gather a group of readers who look for your articles and ask for your opinions. By creating this connection, you start to carve out a place in their minds. As you carve out your own place within your niche, your article marketing efforts will become easier as your articles become sought after. Article marketing allows a lot of room for creativity; so don't be afraid to experiment - what do you have to lose?

Source: Cleveland Oliveria is our guest SEO expert who also writes articles on the subject of Seo Competition.