Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Keeping Your WordPress Blog Centered on SEO

Backlink Results: SmartPageRank by Darlene Fichter

Automatic Backlinks Creator

When you're using WordPress to manage your content, you have an advantage over the other regular HTML sites because Google and the other search engines share a great relationship with WordPress. In this article we will be focusing on a few tweaks that will allow you to up your game even more when it comes to using WordPress.

Purchase WordPress SEO Plug-in: The proper plug-in can make your WordPress reach even better. Although WordPress is an excellent choice that incorporates SEO into its format, there are still a few things that could make it better. It would be simple to do this by purchasing a WordPress plug-in like All in One SEO that would give you a better opportunity to fill in some of the missing gaps. This plug-in is free to install and will supercharge your WordPress site in the best possible way. If you need something more than this, you can also select a SEO theme. Yes, it's up to you. The "Thesis Theme" (which is paid one) is one of the best themes out there for WordPress when you're trying to optimize it for the search engines. The Thesis Theme has SEO capability so you will not have to purchase an additional theme. So it is your call if you want to use a free plug-in or a paid Thesis Theme for search engine optimization. Both options are fine. Link to Quality Content: It's not only important for you to create quality content for your WordPress blog, but at the same time you should link to other sites and blogs that carry good content. You want to make your readers' experience an unforgettable one so don't put links just anywhere but in places where additional resources make sense. By pointing readers in the direction of excellent content on another site, you are showing confidence in the quality of your work. Search engines also see linking to authority sites as a positive sign and all you have to do is get the right balance between great content on your site and outbound links which will take your blog to a whole new level. By making the life of your audience easier through external resources, you will gain their trust and respect.

Recycle Old Posts: This is an excellent way to be certain that your WordPress blog is updated and has the most recent information. All you have to do is use popular older posts and update them with newer content. Add new purpose and enjoyment to it. The next step is to just republish it with the new content. If you want to acquire a higher ranking from the search engines in relation to the older articles, then make sure that you do not adjust the permalinks. This will provide a new amount of links for posts that are already high and credible in the eyes of Google. This will - which gives them a boost in their search engine rankings. Utilizing WordPress SEO in an effective manner consists of being able to use the correct plan at the correct time. The tips that we discussed in this article will help you create a better ranking for your WordPress site and give you an edge over the competition if you apply them the right way.
Source: Automatic Backlinks Generator

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